Die Kulisse der umliegenden Innerschweizer Berglandschaft und die nahe idyllische Umgebung des Bürgenstock garantieren ein einmaliges Erlebnis, sowohl für Golfer wie auch Wanderer.
Albrecht Golf Guide 6/2017
Re-design and complete new construction of the 9-hole course, one of the oldest and most scenic in Switzerland. Built in 1928, the Alpin golf course on a high plateau of the Bürgenstock, which stands as a peninsula in the Vierwaldstätter See, had to get a new track for safety reasons, because four tracks crossed each other four times. In the new building, the alpine landscape was not only preserved, but also considerably reinforced.
The Bürgenstock hotels are among the most famous luxury hotels in Switzerland, where countless prominent figures from politics, industry and culture gave a rendezvous and celebrated roaring festivals. A few years ago, the Qatari State Fund purchased the 3 Luxushotels and has now demolished them as far as the facades, in order to rebuild them according to today's demands for luxury wellness hotels and to add a fourth.
The golf course plays only a complementary role in the recreational resort of the hotels. It was designed by us into a small, but very fine piece of jewelery, which gives the players a high degree of enjoyment and unique natural pleasure in an alpine backdrop.
Die Kulisse der umliegenden Innerschweizer Berglandschaft und die nahe idyllische Umgebung des Bürgenstock garantieren ein einmaliges Erlebnis, sowohl für Golfer wie auch Wanderer.
Albrecht Golf Guide 6/2017
"Zusammenfassend ein sehr gelungenes Werk."
Beat Kneubühler, Präsident BGC 4/2016
"Nach zweijähriger Umbauphase ist der Golfclub Bürgenstock inmitten einer hügeligen Waldlandschaft und Berglandschaft eröffnet worden. Nicht umsonst heisst es, dies sei einer der schönsten voralpinen Bergplätze der Schweiz."
Golfportal 6/2017