Mainzer Golf Club


In Budenheim quarry with its high, steep walls, narrow rock ledges and slender glades leading through different biotopes, we created a course of a new type in Germany in a distinctive target-golf design.

No two holes are alike – not even roughly. Each one is framed by highly individual landscape features, offering breathtaking views. The golfing design blends perfectly with the unique character of the site. The distinctively modelled fairways are a joy to look at, and further enhanced by the natural-looking, irregular bunker edges.

If there’s one golf course in Germany that deserves to be called spectacular, it’s the new course in Budenheim.

Budenheim, Rheinland-Pfalz, GER

Opening holes 10-18: 2010
Opening holes 1-9: 2008
Number of holes: 18
Project Manager: Reinmuth & Städler


Ein Kindheitstraum - Die Front Nine auf und in dem alten Steinbruch sind das wohl Spektakulärste und Schwierigste, was das deutsche Golf zu bieten hat ...

GOLFmagazin 7/2011


"Einer der attraktivsten Golfplätze Europas"

Udo Ries, Projektentwickler


"Den Fachingenieurbüros Städler Golf Courses und WAT, die viele Schnittstellen zu koordinieren hatten und gemeinsame Lösungen finden mussten, darf ich großes Lob aussprechen."

Wolfgang Reichel, Umweltdezernent der Stadt Mainz